14 June 2022 |
The Italian Competition Authority gives Dellas the highest Legality Rating.
The highest rating the AGCM can give a company's Legality Rating is 3 stars. And we have managed to achieve it.
These 3 stars are a visual and immediate demonstration that we operate according to principles of legality and anti-corruption, therefore we act ethically.
These 3 stars allow us to seize more opportunities in terms of transparency, differentiation and competitiveness.
These 3 stars, at the same time, give more security and guarantees to you who already have a relationship with us or who are considering collaborating with us in the future.
We decided to adopt this assessment voluntarily in 2015 and have since been able to increase the score to the maximum. We are keen for you to know this score, so that we can share the same values and behaviour. This is our approach: the measures and policies we adopt within the company and towards the outside world are geared towards responsible business ethics.
There is much more behind these three bright and shining symbols.
In fact, our commitment does not stop there.
- We will pursue fair and lasting business relationships.
- We will continue to operate transparently in the marketplace, in relation to all relevant stakeholders.
- We will extend our positioning to pursue our mission: to be present as consultants alongside companies operating in the stone and ceramics supply chain.
We are proud of this achievement as it is consistent with respect to environmental responsibility and the quality of services to people such as customers, suppliers and employees.
Moreover, to reinforce the importance of this important judgement, Economy Group - publisher of the Economy magazine - in cooperation with Nsa - leader in credit mediation - and RSM, has established the "Legality & Profit" award. This is an award for 'honest and successful' Italian companies that have distinguished themselves for their economic soundness, fairness and observation of the rules.
The award-winning companies include us who, together with the 99 other selected SMEs, were named 'Banners of Honesty and Italian Know-How' by Senate President Maria Elisabetta Casellati.
The prestigious economic newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore listed all the companies in its publication of 15/04/2022, and seeing our name among the other companies makes us very honoured indeed. So, we thank our staff, our collaborators and all partners who work alongside us; this award belongs to all of us who believe in and consistently apply moral values such as mutual respect, fairness and honesty.